Law firm for business identifiers

Recognising potential

As a branch of trademark law, the law on business identifiers is often underestimated. Not so with us.

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The law on trade names and other business identifiers is tricky, not harmonised and only rudimentarily regulated by statutory law. However, it is worth making smart use of its manifold possibilities. Our partner Michael Goldmann knows like no other what is important. He is the author of the standard book on the subject and, together with his team, provides comprehensive advice on all aspects of protecting business identifiers.

We advise you on the protectability of your sign, enforce your rights in court or defend them against attacks by third parties. And we advise you if business identifiers are to be the subject of a transaction or a licence.

Right to a name

Name protection under civil law can be an important way to complement trademark protection. Let us advise you to avoid gaps in protection.

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Trademarks or business identifiers are only protected when used in the course of trade. Trademark law offers no protection against the misuse of such signs by private individuals. This is where the protection of civil names can help. Or the right of corporate personality.

Our expert advice – including in the ancillary areas of trademark law – ensures your complete protection.

On the subject: From our IP blog

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Proven excellence

Satisfied clients, numerous top-tier rankings, major publications, extensive litigation experience: intellectual property law is our core competence.

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We represent your interests with ingenuity and dedication. We protect your intellectual property and develop creative strategies. Complex cases are our strength.

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As a strong partner, we advise our clients decisively, confidently and effectively. Even in tense conflict situations, our team always keeps a cool head and finds convincing solutions.