Law firm for copyright law

Protect Creatives

Creative achievements deserve protection. In the digital age, companies are facing new challenges when it comes to protecting copyrighted works.

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We help you to take action against unfair imitations and distribution of your works and support you in the commercial exploitation of your work.

Copyright protection also has its limits. We protect users and exploiters from unauthorized attacks if these are exceeded.

We have in-depth industry knowledge and many years of experience, particularly in the areas of furniture design, fashion, music and software.

Creative Advice

Benefit from your creative achievements and monetize your work. We specialize in handling complex legal relationships and diverse exploitation chains.

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We creatively draft contracts and create the best legal framework for the exploitation of copyright. We ensure that new business models are legally secure.

Our world is digital. So are we. We have the technical expertise and legal knowledge to help you get the most out of your projects, whether they involve digital content or exploitation opportunities.

During contract negotiations with your business partners, we offer professionalism, strategic thinking, assertiveness and expertise.

Angriff und Verteidigung

Die Durchsetzung von Urheberrechten erfordert ein Zusammenspiel aus Offensive und Defensive. Wir haben die richtige Taktik.

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Urheberrechtsverfahren sind unsere Kernkompetenz. Dabei nutzen wir strategisch alle verfahrensrechtlichen Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Ansprüche durchzusetzen oder Ihre Rechte zu verteidigen.

Manchmal ist es klüger, einen Konflikt außergerichtlich beizulegen. Wir erkennen solche Fälle und führen sie einer Lösung zu, die Ihre Ressourcen schont. Ob Abmahnung, einstweiliger Rechtsschutz oder Klageverfahren: Wir definieren gemeinsam mit Ihnen die beste Strategie und setzen sie zielorientiert um.

Mehr Informationen zu Dispute Resolution.

On the subject: From our IP blog

The Super Sports Year 2024 — On Your Marks, Get Set, “Ambush”!
Ruven Appelkamp

The year 2024 not only provides an extra day in February, but above all one thing: sports, sports and more sports. With the European Men's Handball and Football Championships, two mega events are taking place in Germany this year. Then there is the European Women's Handball Championship, taking place inter alia in Switzerland and Austria, and of course the Summer Olympics in Paris. As always, numerous companies are ready and waiting to benefit from the pulling effect of such major events. Reason enough for us to shed some light on what you need to bear in mind with event-related advertising measures and what obstacles need to be overcome when it comes to so-called “ambush” marketing. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Frida Felixmüller, who joined us during her legal clerkship, for her great support with this article.

Three reasons for HARTE-BAVENDAMM

Proven excellence

Satisfied clients, numerous top-tier rankings, major publications, extensive litigation experience: intellectual property law is our core competence.

IP is our passion

We represent your interests with ingenuity and dedication. We protect your intellectual property and develop creative strategies. Complex cases are our strength.

Consistently in your interest

As a strong partner, we advise our clients decisively, confidently and effectively. Even in tense conflict situations, our team always keeps a cool head and finds convincing solutions.